Organization chart - Lima Radio

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Organization chart

Co-Founder:1LR002 Loris – 1LR003 Simone.
Supervisor 1st Div.: 1LR164 Paolo, P.O.Box 6 – 20064 GORGONZOLA (MI) Italy.
Vice President: 1LR004 Lido
Vice Pres. Honorary: 14LR001 Thierry
Vice Pres. Honorary: 26LR001 Norman
001LR025 Gianpy
001LR059 Rosario
001LR069 Sergio
001LR127 Vittorio
001LR160 Antonio
026LR001 Norman
026LR009 Mick
043LR001 Les
056LR001 Mike
056LR006 Jarkko
106LR001 Mario
133LR001 Allan
315LR001 Alex
001LR025 Gianpy

01LR023 Roby - Lazio Coordinator
01LR027 Tony - Caserta Director
01LR081 Roberto - Campania Coordinator
02LR001 Scott - U.S.A. Coordinator
02LR346 Mike - Luisiana State Director
02LR528 Troy - Virginia State Director
04LR001 Diego - Argentina Coordinator
09LR106 HUGH - SW Ontario Director
10LR010 Pedro - Mexico Coordinator
13LR001 Chris - German Coordinator
13LR002 Tom - Vice Coordinator Germany
14LR001 Thierry - France Coordinator
17LR001 Stan - Hawaian Coordinator
17LR005 Aaron - Havaian Vice Coordinator
19LR001 Ger - Dutch Coordinator
20LR002 Chris - Norvegian Coordinator
21LR002 Bosse - Vice Swedish Coordinator
21LR018 Nuno - Swedish Coordinator
24LR001 Victor - Panama Coordinator
24LR011 Edgar - Vice Coordinator
26LR001 Norman - English Coordinator
26LR002 Nigel - H.Q. Memb. & Vice UK Coordinator
26LR009 Mick - H.Q. Memb. & Vice UK Coordinator
26LR038 IAN - Director North East Area
26LR104 Sarah - South Central England Area Director
26LR115 DAVID - N.W. Area Director
28LR001 Claudio - Honduras Coordinator
28LR002 Luis - Honduras H.Q. Member
28LR003 Raul - Honduras H.Q. Member
28LR004 Miguel - Honduras H.Q. Member
31LR001 Rui - Portugal Coordinator
32LR012 Guido - Chile Coordinator
35LR010 Chris - Austrian Coordinator
37LR001 Nelson - Dominicana Rep. Coordinator
43LR001 Richard - Aussie Coordinator (R.I.P. 1-7-2023)
43LR570 Les - Aussie Coordinator
48LR001 Nasser - Saudi Arabia Coordinator
54LR002 Christian - Luxembourg Coordinator
56LR001 MIKE - Finland Coordinator
56LR003 TERO - Northern Finland Coordinator (R.I.P. the 19-5-2015)
56LR007 PASI - Finland Vice Coordinator
56LR009 MIKKO - East Finland Coordinator
68LR001 BRIAN - Northern Ireland Coordinator
75LR001 OLIMPIO - Azores Coordonator
91LR001 Hasby - Indonesian Coordinator
106LR001 Mario - Ceuta & Melilla Coordinator
108LR001 Ian - Scottish Coordinator
108LR002 Viny - Vice Sottish Coordinator
108LR003 Callum - Member of 108 Div.HQ & Dir. Lothian District
108LR006 Stuart - Scottish H.Q. Member
113LR001 Nazrul - Malaysian Coordinator
113LR666 Daniel - Vice Malaysian Coordinator
117LR001 Vidula - Sri Lanka Coordinator
153LR104 Jimmy - Thailand’s Coordinator
158LR001 Karl - Trinidad & Tobago Coordinator
167LR001 Viny - Jersey Island – From 5 Aug.2021 Tx-Rx: 108LR002
195LR001 Nigel - Grenada Coordinator
195LR002 Leslie - West Indies Coordinator
315LR001 Alex - Ukraine Coordinator
108LR002 Viny - V. Coord. Of Scotland
329LR001 Lada - Czech Coordinator

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