Organization chart - Lima Radio

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Organization chart

Co-Founder:1LR002 Loris – 1LR003 Simone.
Supervisor 1st Div.: 1LR164 Paolo, P.O.Box 6 – 20064 GORGONZOLA (MI) Italy.
Vice President: 1LR004 Lido
Vice Pres. Honorary: 14LR001 Thierry
Vice Pres. Honorary: 26LR001 Norman
001LR025 Gianpy
001LR059 Rosario
001LR069 Sergio
001LR127 Vittorio
001LR160 Antonio
026LR001 Norman
026LR009 Mick
043LR001 Les
056LR001 Mike
056LR006 Jarkko     
133LR001 Allan
315LR001 Alex
001LR025 Gianpy    
01LR023 Roby        - Lazio Coordinator   
01LR027 Tony         - Caserta Director
01LR081 Roberto     - Campania Coordinator
02LR001 Scott         - U.S.A. Coordinator
02LR346 Mike          - Luisiana State Director
02LR528 Troy          - Virginia State Director
04LR001 Diego        - Argentina Coordinator
09LR106 HUGH        - SW Ontario Director
10LR010 Pedro        - Mexico Coordinator
13LR001 Chris         - German Coordinator
13LR002 Tom          - Vice Coordinator Germany
14LR001 Thierry      - France Coordinator
17LR001 Stan         - Hawaian Coordinator
17LR005 Aaron        - Havaian Vice Coordinator
19LR001 Ger           - Dutch Coordinator
20LR002 Chris         - Norvegian Coordinator
21LR002 Bosse        - Vice Swedish Coordinator
21LR018 Nuno         - Swedish Coordinator
24LR001 Victor        - Panama Coordinator
24LR011 Edgar        - Vice Coordinator
26LR001 Norman     - English Coordinator
26LR002 Nigel         - H.Q. Memb. & Vice UK Coordinator
26LR009 Mick          - H.Q. Memb. & Vice UK Coordinator
26LR038 IAN           - Director North East Area
26LR104 Sarah        - South Central England Area Director
26LR115 DAVID       - N.W. Area Director
28LR001 Claudio      - Honduras Coordinator
28LR002 Luis          - Honduras H.Q. Member
28LR003 Raul          - Honduras H.Q. Member
28LR004 Miguel       - Honduras H.Q. Member
31LR001 Rui           - Portugal Coordinator
32LR012 Guido        - Chile Coordinator
35LR010 Chris         - Austrian Coordinator
37LR001 Nelson      - Dominicana Rep. Coordinator
43LR001 Richard     - Aussie Coordinator (R.I.P. 1-7-2023)
43LR570 Les           - Aussie Coordinator
48LR001 Nasser      - Saudi Arabia Coordinator
54LR002 Christian   - Luxembourg Coordinator
56LR001 MIKE         - Finland Coordinator
56LR003 TERO        - Northern Finland Coordinator (R.I.P. the 19-5-2015)
56LR007 PASI          - Finland Vice Coordinator
56LR009 MIKKO      - East Finland Coordinator
68LR001 BRIAN       - Northern Ireland Coordinator
75LR001 OLIMPIO    - Azores Coordonator
91LR001 Hasby       - Indonesian Coordinator
106LR001 Mario       - Ceuta & Melilla Coordinator
108LR001 Ian          - Scottish Coordinator
108LR002 Viny        - Vice Sottish Coordinator
108LR003 Callum    - Member of 108 Div.HQ & Dir. Lothian District
108LR006 Stuart     - Scottish H.Q. Member
113LR001 Nazrul     - Malaysian Coordinator
113LR666 Daniel     - Vice Malaysian Coordinator
117LR001 Vidula     - Sri Lanka Coordinator      
153LR104 Jimmy     - Thailand’s Coordinator
158LR001 Karl         - Trinidad & Tobago Coordinator
167LR001 Viny        - Jersey Island – From 5 Aug.2021 Tx-Rx: 108LR002
195LR001 Nigel       - Grenada Coordinator
195LR002 Leslie      - West Indies Coordinator
315LR001 Alex        - Ukraine Coordinator
108LR002 Viny        - V. Coord. Of Scotland
329LR001 Lada        - Czech Coordinator
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